Released to you: new templates - Utilmate


Utilmate Resources


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Released to you: new templates

Periodically you may wish to "tweak" your email and post templates to update or change information.  The way you do this has changed.

Templates are no longer located in your one drive/google drive Templates folder. They are now stored in the Letters Emails and SMS in your Maintenance menu, and able to be edited by you.

Letters, emails and SMS

Your email (html) and post (Word/pdf) are now both html which removes limitations on merging customer data.  You can now merge:

  • - site data
  • - meter data
  • - price plan data

The html editor offers a wide range of simple and advanced formatting options to increase the beauty of your content. Your text and branding remain the same, but you may notice layout improvements.

For more information on the new template editor, we've created Knowledge Base articles, you can watch our recent webinar.

Knowledge Base 

Edit your mail merge templates

Mail merge template section elements

Mail merge fields



Watch our Engage more and build relationships webinar where we introduced the new search screen as well as tips and tricks on searching.

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